Golden Goose hosted a unique event titled “House of Dreamers” during the 2024 Venice Biennale, captivating a wide audience. This immersive experience took place at Haus, a gathering spot for creative individuals from different disciplines and backgrounds. Located in Venice’s industrial port of Marghera, the birthplace of the brand, Haus embodies Golden Goose’s core values: craftsmanship, culture, and art.
Haus of Dreamers symbolizes a global cultural platform that inspires creativity. Within this space, visitors could explore the academy, manufactory, archive, library, playground (auditorium), and exhibition area, each representing Golden Goose’s commitment to fostering creativity.
“If you ask me what a dreamer is, I think it’s simple. Just close your eyes, remember where you were when you were in your teens, dreaming about yourself, asking yourself what kind of person you could become, what you could do,” explained Silvio Campara, CEO of Golden Goose.
To celebrate the opening, Golden Goose curated an art feast featuring four versatile artists from diverse backgrounds: Argentine visual artist Andrés Reisinger, Italian sculptor Fabio Viale, French-Italian painter Maïa Régis, and Puerto Rican singer Mia Lailani. Each artist delivered a mesmerizing performance, leaving a lasting impression on all attendees.
In addition to the four guest artists, the event was attended by numerous dignitaries, including Venice’s Mayor Luigi Brugnaro, model Romee Strijd, artist Youssef Nabil, and pianist Alberto Bof, among others.
During the event, guests were invited to customize the newly launched Marathon sneakers in the manufactory area, working alongside Golden Goose’s skilled craftsmen, the Dream Makers, to bring their designs to life.