Miu Miu is set to launch its inaugural literary club event, “Writing Lives,” a two-day affair dedicated to reigniting appreciation for the literary works of Sibilla Aleramo and Alba De Céspedes. Scheduled for April 17th and 18th, 2024, this unique literary club promises a blend of dialogue, live performances, and entertainment, showcasing Miu Miu’s steadfast commitment to contemporary thought.
Inspired by the long-standing tradition of European literary salons and artistic circles, the Miu Miu Literary Club is situated within Milan’s esteemed Circolo Filologico. Through meticulously curated explorations, attendees will delve into the profound impact women have had in literature, past and present, including Aleramo’s “A Woman” (1906) and De Céspedes’s “The Forbidden Notebook” (1952).
These pioneering works exemplify the transformative power of writing as a medium of expression, enabling women of different generations to articulate their aspirations, desires, and ideologies. Through their narratives, Aleramo and De Céspedes championed independence, inspiring subsequent generations to voice their presence in society.
At the heart of the Miu Miu spirit, the Literary Club is dedicated to fostering conversations about women’s roles in society, covering topics such as family, motherhood, and work. Under the guidance of Olga Campofreda, panel discussions and performances will provide a vibrant platform for contemporary writers and commentators to share and debate these diverse topics.
Panelists include Pulitzer Prize winner Jhumpa Lahiri, Strega Prize finalist Claudia Durastanti, and Booker Prize nominee Selby Wynn Schwartz, who will highlight the enduring significance of Aleramo and De Céspedes’s works. These discussions, moderated by writer Lou Stoppard and journalist Zing Tsjeng, aim to connect the past with the present, enriching future discussions on women’s empowerment. Beyond intellectual exchanges, the Literary Club will also feature memorable poetry readings and live music performances.
“Writing Lives” aims to honor the written word, paying tribute to the lasting legacy of literary pioneers and women’s voices that transcend time, inspiring future generations. This event highlights Miu Miu’s commitment to promoting the arts, following in the footsteps of its renowned “Women’s Tales” film series and collaborations with multidisciplinary artists.